9 AM - 9 PM Saturday to Thursday


Mesotherapy Treatment in Dubai

Aesthetic has developed an innovative protocol using the DermaPen Fractional Mesotherapy treatment in Dubai that implies less downtime, more efficiency and less pain.

We are now able to identify the skin problem, give the right diagnosis and use suitable solutions of Vitamins and Peptides, safely and effectively.

It can be used for face, neck and under eye rejuvenation and also for common concerns such as hair thinning and hair loss.

Benefits of Mesotherapy treatment in Dubai:

  • Reduces pores and treats acne scars
  • Increases the firmness, elasticity, complexion and radiance of the skin.
  • Prevention of wrinkles and rejuvenates and revives dull, tired-looking skin

Timing: 1 hour

Visit Aesthetics Polyclinic to avail the services of Mesotherapy treatment in Dubai


Mesotherapy Stem Cell Treatment is a break-through stem-cell based solution that incorporates recent scientific advances in growth factors applied to hair follicle science.

This hair treatment harnesses the regenerating and repairing power of the bio-signals contained in the stem-cells that originate in the bone marrow. Scientists at Cellese Regenerative Therapeutics, in partnership with the University of California, have discovered the most important growth factors responsible for reducing hair loss while promoting hair growth. This knowledge is made available to you in the AnteAGE MD Hair System.

Steps & Treatment protocol Because the hair growth process is complex, our labs in California have developed a product that combines all scientific and clinical research into one comprehensive product called Mesotherapy Stem Cell Hair System. The system consists of two phases:
Professional/Medical Office Treatment: Mesotherapy Stem Cell HAIR System Microneedling Solution. Performed under medical supervision and delivered using a microneedling pen.


Stem Cells Science and Skin Aging: Stem cells move from the bone marrow to the skin and act as command and control centers, directing the process of healing to minimize overall damage.

You age, visibly and invisibly, every day. Sun damage, inflammation, chemicals, and even gravity all work against the youthful vitality of your skin.

As we get older, we have fewer stem cells working for us to fight injury and inflammation. Thus we begin to see redness, swelling, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, larger pores, and skin crepiness.

How Does Mesotherapy Stem Cell Treatment Work?
Mesotherapy Stem Cell Treatment restores your skin’s ability to heal itself through its unique combination of Stem CytokinesTM (stem cells) and two Growth Factors.

Mesotherapy Stem Cell Treatment reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, creates a visible brightening and lifting effect, and prevents new visible signs of aging.

What are the expected results of using the complete Mesotherapy Stem Cell Treatment system?

Creates visible brightening and lifting effect.
Minimizes pores.
Tightens the skin.
Reduces skin inflammation.
Reduces redness and skin blemishes.
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
Prevents new visible signs of aging.

What are other benefits of using the complete AnteAGE DM® System?

Defends and protects the skin from environmental assaults
Stimulates the production of new collagen.
Organizes the work of melanin (Skin color pigmentation – unification of color).

Read more about our Mesotherapy treatment in Dubai

Mesotherapy for Hair loss

Secret Mesotherapy with RF

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02 681 8711

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03 762 5762


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